Jazzy Jan

Jazzy Jan

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Starting Over

The New year is just around the corner and I will be starting Anew. I am preparing myself mentally for this journal. I don't need to prepare by buying more weight loss books, workout DVD's or equipment, I have everything I need here in my home.
I need to prepare myself mentally for this journey. Last year this time I said I would give myself a year on WW's but I got side tracked by so many things. I can lay the blame on many things but ultimately I can only blame myself.
Renewing my mind this coming new year is my goal......renewing the way I look at food and how I react to it.
Later Bloggers!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Way off Plan!

Not much to report..............
From Wednesday to today I've been waayy...... off plan. Ready for a fresh start tomorrow. Spent the day with my mom and has been ill but had a great day today.
I'll check in tomorrow......later bloggers!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chipping the pounds off!

With the stress I've had this week I still managed to chip a half pound off. I learning to live in the moment and to stop worrying about the past or future. Positive thinking is what I'm doing to keep myself in check.

Loving this time of year. Here where I live we get very little snow but you never know when  we might get some, I would love to have a nice blanket of snow but rather not because folks around here ca't drive in the stuff LOL. My Christmas tree is up, other decorations and around the house....no presents under the tree because I just have not had time to shop......or the mind.

Stating my affirmation daily and staying positive, loving life, being in the present, letting go of my Ego, saying no and putting my inner child in her place lol, meditating and sending up my prayers and supplications are things I try to do on a daily basis.
Stay positive Bloggers!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This Coffee is good!

I made it home today, cold and hungry. DD (down day) today and I've been hungry. I really think it is head hunger so I'm dealing with it. I've had coffee with cream this morning, diet Pepsi (2) 1 small bag of potato skins and a few nut. I'm thinking the Pepsi's got me hungry.
Lunch was a V8 drink (30 Calories).
I don't usually drink this many sodas but it is what it is. Dinner was a Lean Cuisine Herb Roasted chicken for 170 calories. That still did not satisfy me so I ended up with a mug of hot Coffee with SF french Vanilla creamer...now that hit the spot!

Monday, December 12, 2011

What a great weekend!

I had a blast this weekend just resting and catching up on some much needed sleep. After catching up on some Z's I spent much of Sunday night washing my sons' clothes after he got home from college. I am happy he is here but not happy about the extra clothes to be wash, the extra food that will be consumed, and all the other extras.
When he first left going to college I was wondering how I would adjust.....I adjusted nicely lol! Anywho I am glad he is here.
Still staying on plan with my Alternate day plan of eating...loving it too!
Later Bloggers!!!!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Saturday!

Hello Bloggers, I hope all of you are having a great weekend. I weighed this morning and I have lost 8 pounds in 12 day doing the alternate day diet. Loving this plan. Appetite is reduced and my energy is up. On my Up days I find myself not wanting to eat alot but I know I have to.
Off to continue to read my book...later Bloggers!

Loving this Book!

I picked this book up at a yard sale in August for .25 cent. Just getting around reading it and love it so far.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hey!!! It's Snowing!

Woke up this morning only to it snowing......okay it's early for my neck of the woods, (MS) but the weather for the past 2 years has been erratic. I was a pleasant surprise only to remind me that Christmas is just around the corner.
Today is a DD for me and this is my second week and my body is adjusting to this WOE.
So far just coffee and cream but bought soup for lunch.
I'll check in a little later!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Me a short time ago!

Me after my first 5k and I was feeling good about myself. I was 30 pounds lighter and on my way to where I wanted to be. Then life happened, mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and I stopped everything to give her  my most attention. She was dx Nov. 4, 2010 and during this past year she has had 3 kinds of Chemo. Her lowest time was October this year when we almost lost her.
Thanks God she pulled through it and is weak but stable. the 3rd chem she received and is still taking seems to be slowing the progress of the cancer. We will see how much next week when she has her scans.
I've recommitted myself back to being healthy and getting back to this point above and lower in my weight loss efforts.
Today was a UP day for me and the funny thing about it I thought I would go haywire on these day eating up a storm. I am so glad my cravings are under control and I feel more in control of my eating.

Breakfast was the Chex cereal and soy milk, lunch; hamburger with water, dinner: 2 small link sausages and 2 pancakes.......Yes for dinner. for snack a corn-dog.
Alright I know no veggies....I promise I will get them in tomorrow.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Down Day!

Down day today and it went pretty good. Coffee this morning with cream, a few chips and water.
This evening I ate 2 pieces of baked fish and a celery and apple salad (2 stalks of celery chopped and 1/2 of a large apple chopped) I ate roughly 1/2 of this.
Drinking my dessert now which is coffee with SF french vanilla creamer.
I had a 3.6 pound loss for my 1st week on plan!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I picked this cereal up yesterday just to try. I'm trying to reduce the amount of gluten in my diet slowly until I can eliminate it all. I really like....love this cereal, I like honey nut cheerios so I thought I would give Honey nut Chex a try. You will not be disappointed. YummY!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday with Mom!

I am spending the day with my mom. Cooked her lunch and just relaxing now. My mom love old western movies so this is what we've been watching most of the day. It's okay with me because I don't watch much TV at all.
Today is a up day for me and I started with the gluten free Chex cereal...honey nut flavor, I really like this cereal and will buy more. I will try to stick to around 2000 calories with minimal junk food.

Friday, December 2, 2011

What a Beautiful Friday!

This week I've been kind of under the weather. It turned very cold, was rainy and wet. I felt like the weather. I also started eating differently this week by reducing my intake of sugars and I think that contributed to my achy body.
I'm eating very light today and not over doing anything. Alternate day meal plan with today being my Down day (consuming around 500-550 calories) for me. So far today has been the easiest DD (down day) so far this week.
As for today being a Beautiful Day.......it is, the sun is shining, the weather will warm to a nice 66 degrees and no work tomorrow!
I am loving myself more and finding who I really am.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I know.....I've been gone along time. Things have changed...I have changed. I am ready to start back blogging about this journey of Losing fat to Gain ME! This summer I cut my hair very short and everyone was shocked.  You see the past year has been a testing of my fate and self. My mom was told she had breast cancer Nov. 4, 2010.....now 1 year later we are still dealing with those words. She has been through so many things and I know I've gotten stronger just watching her. I told her if she lost her hair I will lose mine, that's why I cut it.
I am now taking the Natural hair journey, weight loss journey, and the of Peace.
Peace within my Soul and the assurance that I am and everything around me will be just fine.

Alternate Day Diet is what I am doing at this time but not as strictly as the plan is written. I will have my own little twist to my healthy eating plan.
well............let my browse some of the blogs I've subscribed to to see the great progress.....later Bloggers.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday brought several tornadoes with it!

Freaky Friday it is and a dangerous one too! We woke up to severe weather, drove to work and school in this weather and it still is lingering around as of this minute.
This morning the students and I went through the real thing, crouching in the hallways covering our heads from the severe weather that tore through our area.....I'm here worried about them and about my little girl at another school just 2 miles away.
We all made it through it without injuries and damage to our buildings.
Some were not too lucky in other areas, significant damage was reported and injuries.
The storm is headed to the east and I pray everyone will remain safe and secure.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday 4/11/11

Hello everyone, I hope you had a great weekend because I had a great one. Saturday I had a last visit with my aunt before I took her to the train station, back to Milwaukee for her, I really hated to see her go. I know my mom will miss her too.
Sunday was I visited  a church down the street from me, I was invited to a program there and I so enjoyed every minute of my visit, must visit there again soon.

Today has been pretty smooth and I am thankful for that. Trying to figure out what to prepare for dinner tonight, maybe a light pasta meal, or salad? Who knows.....

Thursday, April 7, 2011


These last 3 weeks I have been so unmotivated to lose weight, I have the I don't care attitude and it has to change quickly. I have been in a shell afraid of starting down this weight loss road again.....WHY? I need to find myself again, I found me once or twice and lost 60 pounds, now I've gained some of those pounds back and trying hard to get back to my lowest of 170 pounds and below. I know I can do this..... and it's not, "I think I can" It's, "I know I can".

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nacho's Yum!!!!!

I finally got a chance to try this product. I have to say it is wonderful. ....about 160 calories for the entire container is a plus too. My hubby loves it too just a little too spicy for him lol. Later!!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Trying to see if I could post pictures from my mobile phone and it worked. Finally got it working.

New Month, New Beginnings!

Well I say that every month, you can say new day new beginnings...new week new beginnings new hour new beginnings. I know I can restart and get back on track whenever I want and need too. The need is now, today, and Pronto!!!!
I have been off the wagon too long and need to get myself together. My mom has breast cancer and her aunt (my great Aunt) has been very ill and finally succumbed to breast cancer last week. Her funeral is tomorrow. This past 6 months has been the hardest for me...I can't stay focused.
Mom has 2 more chemo treatments before they reevaluate her with MRI's and CT scans to see if the tumors has shrunk or whatever they do. Lord......I hope there is some improvement.

Anywho, I walked my first 5K this weekend, I am still kind of hurting from the muscle pain that occurred after the race, but feel great that I completed it in 53 minutes 33 seconds. Next time I will be faster.
Will post pictures, just face shots later, did not think to take pics before but got a few after and I was sitting lol!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trying to get to a computer so I can fully post for today. I'm pecking on my phone right now. 1 more day until my first 5K...... I am super excited. Just hope my knee holds up. ...been having pain and swelling this week in it but much better today. :-)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I am down this week to 191 lbs, last week I weighed in at 194, glad about that but I still have some work to do. I got an email link of black bean burgers and brownies from a friend that I must try. Today I woke up with a funky headache and it is still lingering some even after taking some tylenol. I hope I feel better soon.
Have not worked out in 2 weeks so I must get back in the groove of that. I know my personal trainer on the Wii game (like they are real) will chew me out when I start back lol! Can't wait!!!!
BTW! I hope ya'll enjoy the recipes!
Hey, I am from the south, (Mississippi!)

Mexican Black Bean Burgers | Tammy's Recipes

Mexican Black Bean Burgers | Tammy's Recipes
Got to try these too!

Fudgy Black Bean Brownies | Tammy's Recipes

Fudgy Black Bean Brownies | Tammy's Recipes
I was looking for a recipe using black beans in a brownie mix. I think I will try this one.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't Seem to get back on TRACK!

These last 2 weeks has been a disaster for me. I can't or haven't found the will-power to get back on track. I am just stuck in a rut.
I've been back and forth to the doctor's office with my mom for follow up appointments, Chemo, and other various things. I try not to stress but I know I have a level of stressing going on. My was to cope is eating.
I had started losing on WW points + but when we were told my mom had to have more chemo because they found cancer in another area of her body....I lost it.
Lord please give my mother and I strength to make it through this. I know You will...Amen.

Time to relax and meditate.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hump Day coming to a end for me!

Made it through another wonderful day. Going home to cut grass because here where I live the grass has started to grow like crazy. Minimal AP cause I will be riding a lawn mower lol.
Things are going pretty good with my eating and I am so happy about that. I was thinking of going to weekly meetings but decided not at this time.
I've been reading many wonderful blogs of ladies and men following the weight watchers' plan and getting a lot of great tips, ideas, and inspiration. I know if I keep this blog going and keep my plan up.

Breakfast~ bagel thin with Brummel and brown spread coffee with creamer (5 points)

Snack~ WW'ers yogurt (2 points)

Lunch~ Lean cuisine Angel Hair pasta, broccoli and carrots (7 points)

Dinner~ Turnip greens, small piece of roast, 1/2 piece cornbread (10 points)

Snack~ SF pudding, 1 laughing cow wedge, 7 wheat thins (6 points)
Total points 30 points 1 point over!!!!

When is a Salad Not a Healthy Choice?

I was emailed this article today and thought it was worth blogging. Not all salads are made equally!

Posted by Christine McKinney, M.S., R.D., C.D.E. 

More and more restaurants and fast food joints are carrying a variety of salads.  
That's a good thing, right? Well, it can be, but don't make a quick ruling on that. It's true that vegetables are the lowest-calorie food group; the problem is that salads aren't just composed of vegetables anymore.  
Because not all salads are made the same, it takes some work by the consumer to figure out which restaurant salads are healthy choices. Let's compare the fat and calories in a few salads made by popular food outlets.  
l Taco Bell's Fiesta Salad® — 840 calories and 45 grams of fat  
l Macaroni Grill's Chicken Caesar Salad® — 920 calories and 69 grams of fat  
l Panera's Bistro Steak Salad® — 630 calories and 58 grams of fat  
l Applebee's Grilled Steak Caesar Salad® — 1,190 calories and 75 grams of fat  
Compare the salads above to the infamous McDonald's Big Mac®, which has 540 calories and 29 grams of fat.  
And keep in mind that four cups of salad mix — with no added meats, croutons, sliced eggs, dressings, and so on — have only 100 calories and no fat.  
Salads don't need to get a bad reputation, though. It's all the extras that get added to salads nowadays that pack on the calories and fat. Use these tips for selecting a healthier salad.  
l Order salad dressing on the side. And before spearing a bite of your salad, each time dip the tines of your fork into the dressing. You will taste dressing with each bite but you'll only be using a small amount.  
l Try a light or low-fat salad dressing or dilute the dressing with vinegar or lemon juice. This will help to reduce the calories.  
l Stay away from all things fried. Salads now come with fried meats. Ask that these be baked, grilled, or broiled.   
Keep the toppings to a minimum. Croutons, cheese, fried wontons and noodles all add up in calories. Ask that these be replaced with extra vegetables.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Made the Day!

It's the end of another work day and I am glad to be going home.....well not home just yet, I will be going to J-town to buy some more flooring to finish the sitting area joining my bedroom. 2 boxes short, from there I will swing by the Walter-Payton Center  to register for the "SWEETNESS 5K WALK/RUN & 1 MILE FUN RUN" April 2, 2011.

This will be my first 5K and I am super excited about it.
Today I am back in the swing of things being on plan. Feel much better about things because yesterday I was in a big FUNK due to gaining weight last week.
How much did I gain.......I hate to say but it was 6 pounds.
I hope most of it is water retention so I will see next week at weigh-in. I'm thinking about starting to go to meetings, the last time I went which was years ago.....the leader was not inspiring and pretty dull.

Menu so far
Breakfast- cream of wheat (this stuff was terrible ate 1/4 of the bowl)
coffee with creamer, apple (I will count 2 points)

Lunch- Pasta salad, with tuna (9 points)

Snack- WW yogurt (2 points)
13 points so far 16 left for dinner
Dinner- ? will post later. Quarter pounder with cheese, loaded with lettuce and tomatoes, diet coke. (13 points)

Our Products

This is a product I found when I was just browsing the internet. I think I will try it, Great reviews and it's Vegan. Fat Free and Sugar Free. I'll get back with you when it arrives. Got to find me some very low point chips to go along this this product.

Our Products

It's the queso that made us famous. OurULTIMATE VEGAN QUESO.Described by food writers, critics, tweeters, and bloggers as "amazing", "the best queso ever", "bigtime product find", "my new addiction",  "full of flavor, spice and cheesy goodness" &, our favorite..."the queso that changed my life forever", our little queso literally flew off the shelves as fast as it reached the stores simply from word-of-mouth raving fans.  Men who couldn't pronounce the word "vegan" told us they bought it for its great taste...and the fact that they could eat a whole jar of queso for only 160 calories. Yeah, we like that part too. 

Ingredients: tomatoes, water, nutritional yeast, unbleached flour, green chiles, paprika, salt, garlic, citric acid (a natural preservative), spices

Monday, March 21, 2011

Been away too long.

Sorry I've been gone for about a week but last week was Spring Break here in my neck of the woods and that means I was home too. My hubby and I took spring break to do some remodeling of the bedrooms in our home.

My family suffers from allergies and the carpet in the rooms did not help at all but often made it worse. So the carpet came up and the dust was too much for me to handle, sneezing and watery eyes for me started. My hubby and son were okay because they had taken a Claritin before we started. I am the one who usually don't have any symptoms but I did.

We got the carpet out of the house, floors swept and prepped for laminated hardwood flooring. Walls were painted, trim painted too.
Finally the floors went in and they are beautiful. 3 large bedrooms were done which the smallest room being 18x19. Talking about alot of work last week.

Okay how did I eat????? I was waayy....off plan. I tell you I ate everything and did not track a thing because I did not have time to track, and was to tired and frustrated to make good food choices.
Now this is my down fall and I really need to fix this. I need some stress busting techniques to keep me on track and not fall off the wagon.
I am learning, learning many things about myself and how I handle life. I am so use to grabbing food when stressful time comes around, so I need to learn new healthy eating techniques to replace those bad habits of mine.

I was finally losing on this new program and had a big setback......
Well, at least the house looks good......but I want to look good too!

Love this article!

"When you say 'healthy eating,' a lot of people think lettuce, tomatoes, that's it," says chef Robert Irvine . Healthy eating is just the correct balance of foods.
Do Keep it Simple
Flavorful, healthy meals don't have to be complex, and they don't have to include a main dish and two sides.
Don't Deprive Yourself
"A 'diet' implies that you're depriving the body of something. I can eat French fries every day of the week if I want, but the time I eat them and what I eat in between and what exercises I do is the important thing."
Do Learn to Regulate Heat
Heat your skillet before you cook a protein so it spends the least possible amount of time cooking. "Master heat control, then with any grill, any pan, any oven, you can cook nutritious meals," Robert says.
Do Make Friends With Your Blender
A blender is amazing -- you can throw (almost) anything in to make a flavorful sauce. "I use a lot of fruit, like strawberries and mangoes, to blend into sauces for proteins," Robert says.
Don't Kill The Vegetables!
"I grew up with my mother cooking vegetables; it was like drinking them through a straw," Robert jokes. It only takes a couple of minutes to cook fresh veggies -- any more and they start to lose precious nutrients, not to mention taste.
Do Use Healthy Flavor Boosters
"Rice wine vinegar and ginger are my go-to flavor boosters -- they travel with me anywhere I go!" he says. Robert uses them for sauces, dressings or flavorful broths. "Stone-ground mustard is also a big one, because you need it to emulsify dressings."
Don't Get Burnt Out
Don't try to eat chicken breasts and a salad every day -- mix it up! "If you have chicken on Monday, have fish on Tuesday, then some kind of beef or pork on Wednesday," Robert says.
Courtesy Robert Irvine on foodnetwork.com

Friday, March 11, 2011

TGIF! And Spring Break Here I Come!!!!

Loving Spring Time. I have to admit, Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons of the year. Spring because of the newness of everything, Fall because of the reward of the harvest from all your hard work.
I pray I have a great harvest this Fall from the hard work I'm putting in my life of eating healthier, exercising and just loving myself.
Weight Watchers is helping me finally achieve my goals. I just have to stay focused and reap the rewards coming later this year.

What I've eaten so far and possibly this evening.

Coffee with creamer (1)
Bagel thin (3)
egg beater Southwestern flavor (1)
shredded cheese (1)

Total breakfast (6)

WW lemon snack cake (2) So not worth it too small but my sis wanted me to try them

Lean Cuisine Herb Roasted chicken (4)


Thursday, March 10, 2011

All this and a bag of chips!

Had a craving for some potato chips. I went to the vending machine from hell and bought the smallest bag in the machine. They were the Lays Classic Potato Chips.
LAY'S® Classic Potato Chips
10gms of fat, 15 carbs, 2 protein, 1gm fiber.
I know this was not the best choice but it was this or a extra large bag of Frito Chili cheese  corn chips...lol.

Points in this bag, 4.....Got to do some working out today....I know I will get some good exercising today because I have to finish painting my DD's bedroom.

Okay my Tips for today!!!!!
1. For that persistent sweet tooth, try frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. Frozen yogurt is lower in fat and calories and may even contain live cultures, which are great for your digestive health.
2. Eat mindfully-savoring the texture and aroma of each bite, instead of wolfing down food while watching TV, checking e-mail, or driving.

Todays Menu
Breakfast- Thomas Bagel Thin "cinnamon and Raisin" 3 points
                 1 tsp Brummel and Brown- 1point
                 Fiber one yogurt  1 point
                 2 cups Coffee with creamer 1 point
Total points 6

Lunch- Progresso light Southwestern-Style Vegetable Soup 2 points per serving (4 points for me)
            WW'ers Yogurt, (Cherry Cheesecake) 2 points
Total points 6

Snack- Chips 4 points

Maybe grilled chicken thighs (3), broccoli(0), small baked potato (5) with LF sour cream (1) and 1oz shredded cheese (1)
2 slices Sara lee bread (low cal) (2)
1.5 tsp of Naturally More Peanut butter (1)
Jam (1)
Bag of doritos chips (4)
Total 8 points for dinner

Snack- 100 cal popcorn A few French fries (3points)
Total for the day 23 points

Painted DD's room for my exercise....

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time to stay focused!

This week I will stay focused and on Plan to a "T". I want to have a good loss next week.
Today's Tip....
Making a fancy beverage? Choose seltzer or sparkling water as a mix instead of high-sugar sodas and drink mixes. This could save you an estimated 100 calories per drink!

Focus on eating lots of leafy, green vegetables. The darker the green, the better. I know this pic is not the best illustration but you get the picture lol!!!

Now off for my afternoon cup of coffee!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lost 0.2 of a pound! Boo! Hoo!

This past week I did go out of town a lot taking my mom for her appointments and various other places. Saying that....I ate out a lot. Last night I did eat a Quarter pounder with cheese but that sandwich had so much fat and sodium packed in it I knew the scales were not going to show great results. Saturday I ate 2 slices of pizza with extra cheese knowing it was too fattening and packed with sodium. Thursday when I ate out it was not too bad. I had a grilled pork chop and a baked sweet potato minus the butter....the chop was loaded with sodium cause I could taste it.
I am not making excuses why the scale did not move more than it did but I do need to make better food choices if I want continued success on the plan.

Plan for the week....
1. Eat more vegetables
2. Continue to exercise
3. Stick to the GHG's as closely as I can
4. Stay within my points (never went over)
5. Stay POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Ate at McDonalds!

Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I sure hope I am down from last week. I got a good feeling the scale will show a good loss. I had a busy day reviewing skill with the students for this 9 week exams and skills check off. I sometimes get frustrated with some of the students who tell me they don't really care about learning and are in the class because they were forced in. Then I have those that are happy and elated to learn and a re a pleasure to teach. Well...you can't have it perfect Janice!!!! lol.

I ran errands for my mom picking up medication and other things she need. I pulled into the drive thru at McDonald's and ordered a Quarter Pounder with cheese and diet coke. I was glad I still had 17 points because it added up to be about 13 points. I got home safely and got my exercise in and I feel great.

One thing I did not do was getting all my GHG's in but will most definite work on that tomorrow.
Hitting the bed for a good night sleep. Remember sleep is important!!!!! Good night!

Please Join Blooming Humans movement!

Blooming Humans
Dream Seed HuManifesto

Once upon a Waking Dream ...
A Seed of Love awakens within the Heart of Humanity.
Drawn by its Brilliant Light, our attentions quicken Life
in this Divine Space of Creation.

Radiant Beauty fills our Hearts
as we witness this Dream Seed sparking!, spiraling, diversifying;
Roots rushing to Crystalline Core of Changing Mother
Shoots rising to the HeartFire of Father Sky.

Now growing, glowing, weaving and flowing
through the Sacred Space of our Hearts,
this Seed is becoming a living, breathing Tree of Love.
We are this Tree of Love.

Our roots are connection portals
nourishing and sustaining the continuance of Life,
grounding our body,
and strengthening our ability to thrive.

Our branches reach to drink the Light,
providing a Space of Love
for each bud to blossom, each flower to fruit.

Blooming Humans are WE ...
Infinite Combinations in Infinite Diversity.
We Birth New Reality
as One Heart, One World, One Love.

Our hearts now beat in Divine Union
Each breath is a prayer of Gratitude.
Our True Divine Nature Awakened,
we Re-member the Language of the World.

We enjoy Life with grace and ease,
for we are Dreaming Awake
the contents of our Heart.

Flowing in Harmony with the Seasons of Life,
we seed, nurture and harvest for the Good of All.

Abundance springs from being True to Self,
We thrive in our Authentic Power;
Providence is ours, as we are open to receive.

Star Families, Masters, and Guides mirror Wisdom within,
revealing the Ancient-Future-Now
in every thought-word-action-deed.

Leisure is our Joy-Full Expression
of Thanks and Appreciation.
Our Spirits soar above the landscape of creation --
With Clarity of Vision, we follow our Bliss.

We are the Lineage of the Codes of Love,
Carrying the Source Code for Life.
The wisdom of the Ancestors is ours for the asking,
All we seek is found within.

Creator, Father Sky, Giver of All Life
we send out our voice of intent,
Aligning our Will with Divine Will
in order to benefit Humanity and all Creation.

Changing Mother, Divine Mother Earth
Guide us as we, too, are changing each day.
Teach us the Power of Love,
so our Hearts will shine the Light of Life
through all Creation.

We take our Place in the Great Circle of Life,
honoring All Our Relations.
In this Great Coming Together,
We remember we are ONE

Our HeartFires ablaze,
our Spirits Lighted in Ecstasy
We enter the Age of Peace and Illumination
We are ALIVE! We are ALIVE! We are ALIVE!

With Love-filled Hearts,
we give thanks.
It is so, and so it IS.
Blessed BE!

Ukehi Shi'bijii (Thank you for being our heart)
Ashne ate (We are Love always)

~ Stacey Sophia Robyn, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This is finally working.

This thing is finally working. I woke up this morning and after a brief encounter with the toilet ...lol I took a peep at the scale. My weigh in day is not until Tuesday so this was a chance I took. Down 1.2 pounds since last week. My official weigh in day is 2 days away and I hope I will be down more....well If I don't I am so proud of myself.

See last month I had no loss. I had just came off low carbing and doing HHCG for over a year. I was just tired of the roller coaster so I promise myself I would eat the right way no matter how slow or fast the weight comes off. 

I did get discouraged because of a losing I gained. I really think my body needed to get back readjusted to being healthy because it was all jacked up....lol.

I got my exercise in and feel great.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Workout will cleaning!

My mom has not been feeling well lately due to surgery and chemo. I went to her house to clean today. We have been running from doctor office to doctor office, hospital and just everywhere and have neglected our homes from the cleaning they most desperate need. I cleaned and scrubbed cabinets, cleans out the cabinets (top and bottom) cleaned the refrigerator, and last but not least the floors. I am just tired but it was a good work out.

Relaxing now with a cup of coffee....or two.

Meal plan has not been the greatest but I will most definite get back on track today.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 32!

Sitting here munching on some carrots and they are yummy. I've been eating the WW'ers point plan for 5 weeks and have gained and lost but I am 1 pound below my starting weight. I feel smaller even though the scale says no weight loss or minimum loss. I know If I lose 2 pounds a month by December that's 20 pounds, 3 pounds a month by Dec. that's 30 pounds. I know I will be in a much better weight than I'm at now. I believe my blood work would improve, and just better overall. I am done with the quick fixes....I'm ready to give slow and steady a chance.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 31!!!! Still going!

I am still going and going. I really wanted to cheat today on something really sweet but just had popcorn instead. Still went over my points but earned 3 AP today and already had 10 banked....I hope I did not do too bad.
Got more WW'ers yogurt and other items to help me stay on plan. I had an apple today for the the first time in 2 weeks. I really believe that's why I had the sweet cravings. I can't eat apples and lose, the make me crave like crazy. Maybe it'ss the sugar in them, yes natural sugars in some things makes me crave like crazy.
Hitting the bed now so everyone have a great night. I know I will....HAPPY DREAMS!!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 31!!!! Still going!

I have had a very busy day and I am just too tired. The last 2-3 nights I did not sleep too well. I hope I get a full night tonight. Menu was pretty good today but still have a small problem with nibbling. Got to stop it cause those bites here and there adds up.
My mom is spending the night with me because she has an early appointment in the morning. I made her Potato soup and hit was a hit. I plug all ingredients into to recipe builder and came out with 6 points....had 2 slices of bacon crumbled on top Yum!!!!
45 minutes  of Wii "Walk It Out" 
Overall I am feeling very empowered, calm, satisfied and confident that I can continue this journey.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Month....Day 30 on WW'ers

March 1st came in like a lamb! I am so glad because many areas in the country had really stormy weather with damage. This winter has been really cold, snowy, sleeting, and miserable but we made it through. Spring is just around the corner....come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stayed on plan pretty well today and have not been very hungry. I know when I was eating a lot of fruit I was hungry more often. I am getting my healthy oils in and I think it really helps my hunger. 

More yogurt has been consumed and it is now one of my fav. Exercise has been completed also a nice long soak in the tub. Off to bed now!