Jazzy Jan

Jazzy Jan

Monday, March 21, 2011

Love this article!

"When you say 'healthy eating,' a lot of people think lettuce, tomatoes, that's it," says chef Robert Irvine . Healthy eating is just the correct balance of foods.
Do Keep it Simple
Flavorful, healthy meals don't have to be complex, and they don't have to include a main dish and two sides.
Don't Deprive Yourself
"A 'diet' implies that you're depriving the body of something. I can eat French fries every day of the week if I want, but the time I eat them and what I eat in between and what exercises I do is the important thing."
Do Learn to Regulate Heat
Heat your skillet before you cook a protein so it spends the least possible amount of time cooking. "Master heat control, then with any grill, any pan, any oven, you can cook nutritious meals," Robert says.
Do Make Friends With Your Blender
A blender is amazing -- you can throw (almost) anything in to make a flavorful sauce. "I use a lot of fruit, like strawberries and mangoes, to blend into sauces for proteins," Robert says.
Don't Kill The Vegetables!
"I grew up with my mother cooking vegetables; it was like drinking them through a straw," Robert jokes. It only takes a couple of minutes to cook fresh veggies -- any more and they start to lose precious nutrients, not to mention taste.
Do Use Healthy Flavor Boosters
"Rice wine vinegar and ginger are my go-to flavor boosters -- they travel with me anywhere I go!" he says. Robert uses them for sauces, dressings or flavorful broths. "Stone-ground mustard is also a big one, because you need it to emulsify dressings."
Don't Get Burnt Out
Don't try to eat chicken breasts and a salad every day -- mix it up! "If you have chicken on Monday, have fish on Tuesday, then some kind of beef or pork on Wednesday," Robert says.
Courtesy Robert Irvine on foodnetwork.com

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