Jazzy Jan

Jazzy Jan

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rain, Rain, I love you but too much!

We have received so much rain that it's scary to drive at times. I love the rain and welcome it most of the time but wishing it will go away soon.
Traveling back and forth to the hospital which is 60 miles away from my home in the rain is not fun....hope the weather will get better by tomorrow.
Okay my eating plan is getting better and I'm staying on track... could be better but I won't complain.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Times a wasting!

I know time is wasting away and I've done poorly on getting healthy. I thought last year was stressful......this year is getting that way too. I cannot let the stress of life hold me back from my goals. I need to shrink!!!!!
Mama is still very ill and have good and bad days. Doctors visits, hospital stays, work, and all the caregivers daily tasks sometimes get very me in a mood I don't want to be in.
Staying positive and beginning to meditate is on my agenda to help me through this.