Jazzy Jan

Jazzy Jan

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Starting Over

The New year is just around the corner and I will be starting Anew. I am preparing myself mentally for this journal. I don't need to prepare by buying more weight loss books, workout DVD's or equipment, I have everything I need here in my home.
I need to prepare myself mentally for this journey. Last year this time I said I would give myself a year on WW's but I got side tracked by so many things. I can lay the blame on many things but ultimately I can only blame myself.
Renewing my mind this coming new year is my goal......renewing the way I look at food and how I react to it.
Later Bloggers!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Way off Plan!

Not much to report..............
From Wednesday to today I've been waayy...... off plan. Ready for a fresh start tomorrow. Spent the day with my mom and has been ill but had a great day today.
I'll check in tomorrow......later bloggers!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chipping the pounds off!

With the stress I've had this week I still managed to chip a half pound off. I learning to live in the moment and to stop worrying about the past or future. Positive thinking is what I'm doing to keep myself in check.

Loving this time of year. Here where I live we get very little snow but you never know when  we might get some, I would love to have a nice blanket of snow but rather not because folks around here ca't drive in the stuff LOL. My Christmas tree is up, other decorations and around the house....no presents under the tree because I just have not had time to shop......or the mind.

Stating my affirmation daily and staying positive, loving life, being in the present, letting go of my Ego, saying no and putting my inner child in her place lol, meditating and sending up my prayers and supplications are things I try to do on a daily basis.
Stay positive Bloggers!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

This Coffee is good!

I made it home today, cold and hungry. DD (down day) today and I've been hungry. I really think it is head hunger so I'm dealing with it. I've had coffee with cream this morning, diet Pepsi (2) 1 small bag of potato skins and a few nut. I'm thinking the Pepsi's got me hungry.
Lunch was a V8 drink (30 Calories).
I don't usually drink this many sodas but it is what it is. Dinner was a Lean Cuisine Herb Roasted chicken for 170 calories. That still did not satisfy me so I ended up with a mug of hot Coffee with SF french Vanilla creamer...now that hit the spot!

Monday, December 12, 2011

What a great weekend!

I had a blast this weekend just resting and catching up on some much needed sleep. After catching up on some Z's I spent much of Sunday night washing my sons' clothes after he got home from college. I am happy he is here but not happy about the extra clothes to be wash, the extra food that will be consumed, and all the other extras.
When he first left going to college I was wondering how I would adjust.....I adjusted nicely lol! Anywho I am glad he is here.
Still staying on plan with my Alternate day plan of eating...loving it too!
Later Bloggers!!!!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Saturday!

Hello Bloggers, I hope all of you are having a great weekend. I weighed this morning and I have lost 8 pounds in 12 day doing the alternate day diet. Loving this plan. Appetite is reduced and my energy is up. On my Up days I find myself not wanting to eat alot but I know I have to.
Off to continue to read my book...later Bloggers!

Loving this Book!

I picked this book up at a yard sale in August for .25 cent. Just getting around reading it and love it so far.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hey!!! It's Snowing!

Woke up this morning only to it snowing......okay it's early for my neck of the woods, (MS) but the weather for the past 2 years has been erratic. I was a pleasant surprise only to remind me that Christmas is just around the corner.
Today is a DD for me and this is my second week and my body is adjusting to this WOE.
So far just coffee and cream but bought soup for lunch.
I'll check in a little later!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Me a short time ago!

Me after my first 5k and I was feeling good about myself. I was 30 pounds lighter and on my way to where I wanted to be. Then life happened, mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and I stopped everything to give her  my most attention. She was dx Nov. 4, 2010 and during this past year she has had 3 kinds of Chemo. Her lowest time was October this year when we almost lost her.
Thanks God she pulled through it and is weak but stable. the 3rd chem she received and is still taking seems to be slowing the progress of the cancer. We will see how much next week when she has her scans.
I've recommitted myself back to being healthy and getting back to this point above and lower in my weight loss efforts.
Today was a UP day for me and the funny thing about it I thought I would go haywire on these day eating up a storm. I am so glad my cravings are under control and I feel more in control of my eating.

Breakfast was the Chex cereal and soy milk, lunch; hamburger with water, dinner: 2 small link sausages and 2 pancakes.......Yes for dinner. for snack a corn-dog.
Alright I know no veggies....I promise I will get them in tomorrow.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Down Day!

Down day today and it went pretty good. Coffee this morning with cream, a few chips and water.
This evening I ate 2 pieces of baked fish and a celery and apple salad (2 stalks of celery chopped and 1/2 of a large apple chopped) I ate roughly 1/2 of this.
Drinking my dessert now which is coffee with SF french vanilla creamer.
I had a 3.6 pound loss for my 1st week on plan!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I picked this cereal up yesterday just to try. I'm trying to reduce the amount of gluten in my diet slowly until I can eliminate it all. I really like....love this cereal, I like honey nut cheerios so I thought I would give Honey nut Chex a try. You will not be disappointed. YummY!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday with Mom!

I am spending the day with my mom. Cooked her lunch and just relaxing now. My mom love old western movies so this is what we've been watching most of the day. It's okay with me because I don't watch much TV at all.
Today is a up day for me and I started with the gluten free Chex cereal...honey nut flavor, I really like this cereal and will buy more. I will try to stick to around 2000 calories with minimal junk food.

Friday, December 2, 2011

What a Beautiful Friday!

This week I've been kind of under the weather. It turned very cold, was rainy and wet. I felt like the weather. I also started eating differently this week by reducing my intake of sugars and I think that contributed to my achy body.
I'm eating very light today and not over doing anything. Alternate day meal plan with today being my Down day (consuming around 500-550 calories) for me. So far today has been the easiest DD (down day) so far this week.
As for today being a Beautiful Day.......it is, the sun is shining, the weather will warm to a nice 66 degrees and no work tomorrow!
I am loving myself more and finding who I really am.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I know.....I've been gone along time. Things have changed...I have changed. I am ready to start back blogging about this journey of Losing fat to Gain ME! This summer I cut my hair very short and everyone was shocked.  You see the past year has been a testing of my fate and self. My mom was told she had breast cancer Nov. 4, 2010.....now 1 year later we are still dealing with those words. She has been through so many things and I know I've gotten stronger just watching her. I told her if she lost her hair I will lose mine, that's why I cut it.
I am now taking the Natural hair journey, weight loss journey, and the of Peace.
Peace within my Soul and the assurance that I am and everything around me will be just fine.

Alternate Day Diet is what I am doing at this time but not as strictly as the plan is written. I will have my own little twist to my healthy eating plan.
well............let my browse some of the blogs I've subscribed to to see the great progress.....later Bloggers.