Jazzy Jan

Jazzy Jan

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Month, New Beginnings!

Well I say that every month, you can say new day new beginnings...new week new beginnings new hour new beginnings. I know I can restart and get back on track whenever I want and need too. The need is now, today, and Pronto!!!!
I have been off the wagon too long and need to get myself together. My mom has breast cancer and her aunt (my great Aunt) has been very ill and finally succumbed to breast cancer last week. Her funeral is tomorrow. This past 6 months has been the hardest for me...I can't stay focused.
Mom has 2 more chemo treatments before they reevaluate her with MRI's and CT scans to see if the tumors has shrunk or whatever they do. Lord......I hope there is some improvement.

Anywho, I walked my first 5K this weekend, I am still kind of hurting from the muscle pain that occurred after the race, but feel great that I completed it in 53 minutes 33 seconds. Next time I will be faster.
Will post pictures, just face shots later, did not think to take pics before but got a few after and I was sitting lol!


  1. Congrats on your 1st 5k and sorry for your loss. I hope your mother does okay. Breast cancer is mean. Praying for you and your family.. hugs :)

  2. Thanks Deb......everyone is kind of down here but things will get better.
